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Have your say to protect the Burrup

Save Our Songlines

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Save our Songlines recently secured the first ever full cultural heritage assessment of all industry at the Burrup Hub under Section 10 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act. This is the best opportunity we have to show the dangerous impact that Woodside’s gas industry and its offshoots on the Burrup are having on sacred Murujuga rock art - not to mention the global climate impact of their emissions.

The Section 10 process allows for anyone to share their story, perspective and insights about the clash of new industry and ancient culture on the Burrup. A Reporter has been appointed by the Federal Government to investigate these impacts and provide a full report to the Environment Minister, who is empowered by law to make permanent protection orders for Murujuga.

We only have until November 30 to tell the full story about the industrial impacts on the environmental, economic, community, cultural and World Heritage values of Murujuga.

It is vitally important that the local community and Murujuga traditional custodians get to have their say about industry on their ngurra without having their voices silenced and concerns gagged. It is also crucial that as many people who care about ancient rock art, Aboriginal culture and the future of our planet make their feelings known about what is happening right now on the Burrup.

You can:

If you want to make a unique submission, these are some of the things you can consider including:

  • Why you want to see the Cultural Heritage at Murujuga protected, what it means to you personally

  • Which of the values listed in the Gazette notice is important to you?

  • Which of the threats listed in the Gazette notice concern you most?

  • Are there other threats you are aware of or concerned about?

  • Do you believe that the WA Government has been effective in protecting Murujuga? Why not?

  • Do you believe traditional custodians are being given a say about the future of Murujuga?

  • Why Custodians should be given the right to free, prior and informed consent for industrial development?

Specific comments regarding particular threats:

You may wish to include or expand on the following:

  • Landscape values must be protected, not just individual sites (cultural values connect to the whole area including the plants, animals and all of the features of the landscape)

  • There has been a lack of free, prior and informed consent for Traditional Owners and custodians

  • Industry pollution (acid gas emissions) is already impacting rock art

  • WA Government failing to protect heritage

  • Industrial development is compromising the proposed World Heritage Listing

  • Carbon pollution and climate change impacts

  • The destruction of Juukan Gorge demonstrated a complete failure by the WA Government and resource industry. It was said that a similar act would never happen again – yet just months later, the WA Government has used the same legislation to approve destruction of sites on Murujuga to allow for further expansion of gas-related industries.

If you can, please support and share our ongoing crowdfunder to help Murujuga traditional custodians and the local community engage fully with the Section 10 process. We need to hold community meetings, we need to book event spaces, we need to help transport Elders and community members to share their experience and we need to record and produce video testimony for people who can’t get there in person.

We also need to keep advocating strenuously through the media, through legal channels and with government to ensure a level playing field with multinational, billion dollar industry proponents. We are a grassroots, Aboriginal led campaign with no institutional funding behind us - please donate here and share the link with your networks to keep the campaign afloat through this crucial period.

Please do what you can to support Save our Songlines as we make the most of this unique opportunity to support traditional custodians to project Murujuga from industry. Our voice is powerful.

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